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2021 Graduation Announcement


2021 Graduation Announcement!

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose”. Romans 8:28 (KJV)

To: The St. John Church Family,

This is just a reminder: We will be celebrating our annual Graduates Day 2nd Sunday in June which is, June 13, 2021 during the morning worship service.

Church family, please remember to show your love on that day for our High School Graduates, Shaniya Nicole Williams.

The other graduates that will be recognized on that day are: Kairyn Thornton and Malia Stancil , Khole Young graduating from Kindergarten

Avery McCoy, Guy Amaree Miggins and Alex Rodriguez, Dakota Darden graduating from eighth grade.

We are looking forward to a glorious time in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as we thank Him for blessing us with these graduates.

Colors for Graduates Day - Royal Blue/Gold

With sincere thanks and appreciation for your support,

St. John UHC

Graduation/Scholarship Ministry

June 8

Women’s Meeting

June 27

St John U.H.C. Women’s Day Celebration 2021